Lobster Fair is an annual fundraiser for Christ Church Episcopal. Proceeds benefit youth programs, the spiritual growth of the church community, the church facilities, and outreach to the community surrounding the church. Christ Church distributes groceries to hundreds of families in need and homeless individuals.
Christ Church depends on your support to help make Lobster Fair a success! Please consider contributing and becoming a Friend of the Fair.
Attendees of Lobster Fair love the market. This event provides a great opportunity to sell food, arts, crafts, gifts, and products. Reserve a table by emailing lobsterfair@christepiscopallv.org or calling Elana Graham at (702) 300-3526.
Early lobster sales have ended. Lobsters can be purchased during the event on Oct. 19 between 9 am and 3 pm.
All Lobsters Purchased online will be held in
Will Call for Pick-Up the day of the fair.